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Wheelchair Outdoor Activities & Paraplegic Ice Fishing 2021

Please enjoy this video about ice fishing in Ontario, Canada, wheelchair outdoor activities, and paraplegic ice fishing. For anyone who is in a wheelchair, you know that winter, and cold weather in general, creates a whole new set of challenges. With that said, it’s important to find new activities to get outdoors, especially this time of year, even though the temperatures are low. It seemed like a good idea to go ice fishing, and I was enthusiastic to find a new activity. I’m always up for a challenge, and today, it was ice fishing in my wheelchair. As you will see, it wasn’t just the cold weather that was a factor, but also the snow on the frozen lake, which limited my range a bit. When ice fishing, most people think that falling through the ice is the biggest danger, but I would have to say that it’s being exposed to the freezing temperatures for extended periods of time. If you enjoyed this video about ice fishing in Ontario, Canada, wheelchair outdoor activities, and paraplegic ice fishing in 2021, please remember to like, share, subscribe, and leave a comment if you have any questions or feedback. We hope to see you here again soon!

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