Wheelchair Maintenance | Cleaning Wheelchair Front Casters | DIY Wheelchair Skills

This month, my colleagues challenged me to do a video on cleaning my front casters. I have never done that before. I did my research on YouTube, and those well-built manly handymen made it seem easy. I thought maybe I could do it too. It’s nice to learn anyway because cleaning the casters regularly is important. It makes pushing the wheelchair and controlling the direction it’s going much easier.

In this video, I discovered a way of cleaning the casters without taking them apart. Although the process might take more time and patience, it is an easier way of doing it for a not-so-handy person.

Instructional video on how to clean the casters by taking them apart: Wheelchair Caster Cleaning

Disclaimer: This is user-generated content and should not be considered a recommendation, guidance, or view or opinion provided by Cortree and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

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