Shoulder Pain & Wheelchair Use

Shoulder pain can greatly impact one’s quality of life. Using your arms to get around, transferring to and from your wheelchair, and general daily use, can result in a lot of wear and tear on your shoulders over the years. There are many ways to deal with shoulder health and continue to live an active life while preventing pain. Join us, along with Sybille Bergin, Registered Physiotherapist and Clinic Co-owner of Bergin Motion, for a conversation on managing shoulder pain.

Peer-to-peer experiences and understanding is a vital part of SCIO’s monthly Peer Connections workshops across the province. We gather online informally, often with an expert speaker and share insights and solutions to issues related to living with a spinal cord injury. Everyone is welcome to attend each workshop – just let us know to expect you. Our topics and locations vary and are driven by the specific needs of people living with spinal cord injury.

View the presentation featured in this video: