Minivan Wheelchair Transfer Techniques | DIY Transfer Seat | Wheelchair Driving

In this video Alec, a Peer Support volunteer in Peterborough, shows a simple way to get around one of the challenges of a minivan: the distance to cover and the low-to-high transfer up to the driver’s seat. Alec shows a little “step seat” he built that wedges in beside the driver’s seat. The step seat hooks on to the front post and clicks into place.

Alec demonstrates the transfer up onto the seat, and then from there onto the driver’s seat. It’s simple to do and saves energy. Alec designed this when he had a shoulder injury and needed an easier, one-armed way to get into and out of his van independently. The pro tip that goes along with this transfer is make sure you consult with your healthcare team and make a routine of regular, daily shoulder strengthening and mobility exercises.

Disclaimer: This is user-generated content and should not be considered a recommendation, guidance, or view or opinion provided by Cortree and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

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