Heated Vest Wheelchair Clothing | Winter Kit for Wheelchair Riding

In this video, Oda discusses his winter kit for wheelchair riding. Discovering this combination of items has allowed him to get out and about despite the cold weather. In the past, Oda would avoid the outdoors and stayed indoors when the weather is cold. Now he’s able to get out, keep active and enjoy the outdoors. This has been great for Oda’s mental health as well as for his physical activity.

One of Oda’s favourite bonuses of getting out to ride in the winter is that the trails are typically quite empty and this makes for a meditative ride.

Check out Oda’s winter kit in action, and then get yourself some layers, the right attire and get active despite the winter.

*The Power-Assist Oda is using is the Rehasense PAWS “Cruiser” with a 16-inch wheel. Like the smartdrive, the paws is a popular power assist.

Oda’s winter kit for wheelchair riding essentials:

  • heated vest
  • mulitple layers
  • wheelchair lap cover Oda got on Amazon, it’s water proof and lined with fleece, making it extra warm and cozy.
  • good gloves and toque.

Music by: www.bensound.com

License code: DL1RQFG45LGH5K6I

Disclaimer: This is user-generated content and should not be considered a recommendation, guidance, or view or opinion provided by Cortree and Spinal Cord Injury Ontario.

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